<li><strong>Official Patch for Breakthrough</strong> - 34MB<br>(needed if you want to play in our server using a Breakthrough CD)<br>
<li><a href="http://medalofhonor.filefront.com/file/Breakthrough_Patch;21388" target="_blank">Download from File front</a>
</li><li><a href="http://www.ea.com/official/moh/alliedassault/us/breakthrough_editorial.jsp?src=mohbtdownloads" target="_blank">Download from EA.com<br></a> <br></li></ul>
</li><li><strong>Official Patches for Spearhead<br></strong>(needed if you want to play in our server using a Spearhead CD)<br><br><ul>
<li>First you need patch to update to <strong>2.11</strong> 54MB (for english version of the game)<br><a href="http://medalofhonor.filefront.com/file/Spearhead_Full_Patch_211;8505" target="_blank">Download from File Front</a>
</li><li>And then you need the update to <strong>2.15</strong> 8.6MB<br><a href="http://medalofhonor.filefront.com/file/Spearhead_Patch_211_to_215;11534http://medalofhonor.filefront.com/file/Spearhead_Patch_211_to_215;11534" target="_blank">Download from File Front<br></a><br></li></ul>
</li><li><strong>Sound fix for the converted singleplayer maps</strong> - 23KB<br>If you want to hear footsteps and explosions in these maps. It also contains the dogs mod, a mod we don't use yet, however you might find yourself playing in a server that needs it so no harm done.<br>This is a client-side mod, which means that it works only if you install it in your computer.<br>Just unzip the file and put the zzz-dog n mods sounds fixes.pk3 into your mainta and/or maintt directory.<br>Thanks to <a href="http://www.whc.pas-com.net/" target="_blank"><strong>WHC</strong></a> clan for this mod.<br> <br><ul><li><a href="http://www.4shared.com/file/IPpe33_1/zzz-dog_n_mods_sound_fixes.html">Download the Sound Fix Here</a></li></ul></li></ul><p><br></p>